How your donation is used by the NDRO

WHAT – The NDRO delivers innovative and unique disaster relief programmes exclusively within Australian communities. These programmes are available from when a disaster declaration is made by the relevant government authority until long after the disaster has passed.

WHY – The NDRO addresses the many challenges associated with natural disasters from a Health perspective. That is Community Health, Individual Health and Business Health. We address each component part that constitutes a community, individually and collectively.

WHEN – Our services are designed to provide immediate and long-term assistance to individuals, businesses and communities as a whole. All of our work is carried out exclusively within Australia for the benefit of Australian communities. Our services are delivered from the start of a disaster until well after the disaster event has passed. NDRO Services currently delivered or being developed.

First responders, general community members, business owners and their loved ones carry the burden of experience from these events which is sometimes difficult to deal with.
Professional experienced counsellors are provided to assist survivors on the road to recovery from the trauma of natural disaster events.

Disaster events produce uniquely challenging situations that can leave survivors vulnerable to extended periods of traumatic symptomology. The NDRO provides professional counselling for anyone struggling to come to terms with their experiences. First responders, Health workers, Business Owners and General Community members have individual and nuanced responses to disaster events. NDRO Counsellors have been specially sourced to employ their ‘Lived Experience’ in their counselling approach, for the benefit of all clients.

These are specially trained security personnel deployed into the field to carry out security patrols. Their specific brief is to help prevent looting. They are not deployed to arrest people or to have any physical confrontation at all.
Looting is a crime of opportunity and the NDRO wants to eliminate that opportunity by simply being seen.

The NDRO’s committed focus on Community Health is the driver of all its disaster relief programs. Rehabilitation Home/Holiday Parks extends this commitment to a higher level. Established to offer a respite from the trauma of disaster clean up and rebuilding efforts, the NDRO Parks are designed to be a safe space for disaster survivors to recuperate from these traumas.
The NDRO will work closely with Disaster Coordinators to identify people who are experiencing difficulties from a disaster event. A week or two at one of Rehab Parks might be beneficial and assist them with their recovery.

One of the first pieces of infrastructure to be damaged or destroyed during disaster events is communications. In collaboration with related and external companies, the NDRO is creating a program to build and maintain a ‘Communications Proof’ off-grid facility which will ensure that communication with the outside world is available when communities are at their most vulnerable position.
The solution is a combination of a Solar powered, D-Gen backup, Non- explosive Battery set within a solid shipping container. Annexed to the shipping container will be a communications hub through Star Link plus facilities for Water Purification and power ups.

Every disaster recovery effort needs volunteers and there are always plenty of people who pitch in to help, because it’s the Aussie way.
Unfortunately, this help can cause unintended problems. Our teams of volunteers will have special skill sets which make their assistance more streamlined and valuable during disaster recovery efforts.
Particularly with business clean up efforts where having people assisting who have real world experience with particular industries such as General Retail outlets, Supermarkets, Doctors surgeries, Solicitors and Accountant offices etc etc.
These teams can also be deployed as reinforcements where existing staff may need to miss work because they have personal clean up to contend with at their own properties.

The NDRO has set itself an ambitious goal to create a standing cohort of qualified building trades people specifically for the purpose of reconstruction and building requirements of disaster affected communities. This cohort will be known as Peace Corp Australia.

Peace Corp Australia will install small cottages on site, on their own properties where requested, by disaster survivors. This will allow them to live close to their properties during the rebuilding or repair of their homes.

Similar to the Onsite solution but on a larger scale and designed to accommodate multiple groups of people where it is impractical to install a cottage on their own property. These removable structures will be constructed on land allocated by council or private land owners who wish to support the initiative.

A combination of Solar and Batteries will provide a small Energy Hub with multiple functions to assist LDC’s

A safety shelter for livestock, the Arcs will be designed for use during a range of disaster events including Cyclones, Floods and Bushfires.